
Hello & Welcome!


Iā€™m Danielle! If you're ready to take your wellness & mental health journey deeper, you're in the right place!Ā 

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Hello & Welcome!


I’m Danielle, a multifaceted wellness enthusiast and practitioner. If you're ready to take your wellness journey deeper, you're in the right place! 

Explore Services

I have a lot to share with you...


My approach to wellness comes from my collective experiences, trainings, and education. I blend, merge, and integrate from multiple systems and sources to bring you a unique path to healing with a whole person perspective.


Click each service below to learn more!

I have a lot to share with you...


My approach to wellness comes from my collective experiences, trainings, and education. I blend, merge, and integrate from multiple systems and sources to bring you a unique path to healing with a whole person perspective.


Click each service below to learn more!

Our stories are powerful!


I’ve been on my own wellness journey since I was a teen. I struggled with uncontrollable life situations and events that resulted in anxiety, depression, and grief. Everyday is an opportunity for healing, growth, and learning. With that in mind, each day I take another step on my own journey, which allows me to bring you the wide range of tools I have collected, used, practiced, and created along the way.    

More about me

Get started



Ready to work on your thoughts and emotions?


Schedule a counseling session today and begin the deep work of mental and emotional wellbeing.


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Is your body needing some healing movement?


Schedule a yoga class to add movement to your wellness routine. Your body will thank you!


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Does your mind and energy system need some clarity?


Schedule a meditation class for guidance with your unique conscious  and energetic development.


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"Wellness is an ongoing lifelong process. As we change in life, our wellness routines, methods, and techniques are  most effective when they evolve with us.  As we grow, develop, and enter into new seasons and phases of our lives, our needs can change on the mind, body, and spiritual levels. It is my intention to support you by sharing and teaching you what I know, so you take another step forward on your personal wellness journey and honor what you need in the present moment." 



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